Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Become a volunteer today

The Brady Garden's Constitution (as agreed by committee in March 2014):

The Brady Garden agreed a Constitution on 3rd March 2014.

The Aim of the Brady Garden group is as follows:

  • The organisation through its pursuance of developing, enhancing and maintaining the garden and its subsequent areas has specific focus on the environment, wildlife and people. 

  • It seeks to improve the conditions in the Brady Garden so that wildlife, flora and fauna may flourish and increase. Develop and maintain it as a bio-diverse, sensory and social space.

  • Use Permaculture principles of ‘Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share’ when making decisions.

  • Promote a healthy eating-lifestyle and wellbeing through exercise, nutrition and cooking economically.

  • Connect with other projects with a shared focus such as with food, herb and/or nature focus.

  • Encourage, understand and practice economic social and environmental growth and sustainability.